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Running gprof and gcov

gprof and gcov support in UML is present in CVS as of 17 Apr 2001. I sent it to Alan for inclusion in the ac tree, and it will be in my 2.4.4 release.
To use gprof with UML, you do the following
  • Configure with gprof support - this is "enable gprof support" under "Kernel Hacking". You'll need to turn on "kernel debugging symbols" first.
  • Build UML.
  • Boot it up and run your tests in it.
  • Halt it, and the standard gmon.out file will be written out. Run gprof as you would with any other process
    host% gprof linux
    and you will get the standard reams of gprof output.
Here is gprof output from several hours of a thrashing UML. There is some commentary on it in this entry of the UML diary.
Using gcov with UML is similar:
  • Configure with gprof support - this is "enable gcov support" under "Kernel Hacking". You'll need to turn on "kernel debugging symbols" first.
  • Build UML.
  • Boot it up and run your tests in it.
  • Halt UML, and every file in the kernel that has coverage data will get a 'file.da' file. In order to see what coverage of a particular file you achieved with your tests, run
    host% gcov file.c
    This will produce 'file.c.gcov', which is 'file.c' annotated with line-by-line coverage information.
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